Pain in the lumbar region in men after 35 years is considered quite common. In such a situation, many patients lubricate the inflamed area with various ointments, give injections, and continue to live, slowly succumbing to daily suffering.
However, back pain is formed for various reasons. You will not get rid of the appearance of pain in the lower back only with injections or ointments.
In such a situation, the patient is diagnosed by a general practitioner, who identifies the causes of back diseases and prescribes a specific treatment.

Causes of pain
Why does the lower back hurt in men? Back pain in men occurs for the following reasons:
- with the formation of a hernia in the spine;
- due to the appearance of sciatic nerve pain;
- with osteoporosis;
- due to osteochondrosis;
- due to constriction of the spinal nerves;
- due to tumor formation in the spine. This cause of the disease is also often the result of various diseases in the lumbar region of the spine.
Pain also appears during stressful situations.
Spinal hernia
Men often ignore back pain in the lumbar region. However, such diseases often lead to a hernia in the spine.
In such a situation, when the lumbar disc is destroyed, a hernia appears in the spine, which sometimes leads to immobilization of a person and disability.
With the formation of an intervertebral hernia, a person feels severe discomfort in the middle region of the spine (right or left), which is a consequence of damage to various sections in the spinal cord.
What causes back pain in men? For example, from a disease such as sciatica. This disease is considered a complex of pain symptoms that occur when you squeeze or squeeze the roots into the spinal cord.
Such a disease does not appear as an independent disease, but as a pathological process that is secondary.
Such a sciatic nerve pain appears after the development of osteochondrosis - destruction of the intervertebral discs.
The patient has another sciatica attack in such situations:
- with physical stress;
- due to hypothermia;
- with cold, flu;
- due to general intoxication of the body;
- due to circulatory disorders;
- with sudden or random lumbar movements.

As a result, a man has the following symptoms of lumbar sciatica:
- pain of varying intensity, which is exacerbated by a sharp movement of the back, with a decrease. Also, pain syndrome increases when lifting heavy objects and other physical exercises in the mid-back region;
- back pain in the lumbar region when sneezing, coughing or tension in the abdominal muscles;
- movements are impeded when the body moves sideways, forward, backward;
- the patient is unable to stand or bend them.
If a man bends over and feels pain in his back and lower back, then he is more likely to have osteoporosis. This disease occurs due to lack of calcium in the tissues.
As a result, osteoporosis occurs for the following reasons:
- with a lack of male sex hormones - testosterone;
- due to lack of calcium and vitamin D;
- with a sedentary sedentary lifestyle;
- due to taking specific medications;
- with complications of various diseases;
- due to bad habits.
At first, with osteoporosis, a person suffers from low back pain. Such attacks are diagnosed by the persistent nature of the pain or occur with sharp movements, sneezing, coughing or laughing.
Osteoporosis is harmful to a person in that it destroys the vertebrae from within. Therefore, men with such a disease feel uncomfortable when leaning left and right.
Also, back pain in men is formed while walking. Thus, the spine becomes brittle and spinal fractures occur under heavy loads.
What other causes of back pain in men exist? Pain that appears below the waist may be the result of the development of spinal osteochondrosis. With such a disease, the bones and cartilaginous vertebral tissues grow in a person, which tighten the spinal nerves and form pain.
Osteochondrosis often occurs in athletes with increased physical activity.
With such a disease, a man has a feeling of "stiffness" in the lumbar region and the person can not fully straighten his back.Thus, the back starts to ache with a sudden movement or if a person bends down.
Doctors like orthopedist or surgeon know how to cure osteochondrosis. In treating such a disease, doctors slow down the rapid growth of cartilage tissue. Thus, the doctor inserts cell division inhibitors into the patient's body, stretches the vertebrae, and prescribes him to wear a corset.
In some situations, the surgeon performs a back surgery. Then he releases the crushed nerve.
With a back injury in a man, the back muscles are stretched. A person gets sick with muscle strain if they lift weights or exercise a lot, in a home situation or during sports activities.
To remove the inflammation when stretching your back, you should apply a cold compress to the sore spot with any product from freezing. Moreover, under the compress it is necessary to put a layer of fabric. Hold it for about 30 minutes.
The muscle stretch is then removed by the ambulance doctors. They assess the patient's condition and prescribe a diagnosis of the spine while preventing the formation of more serious injuries.
Lying on your back and lower back is treated for a few weeks. In such a situation, the patient must be at rest, otherwise the treatment of the lower back will be ineffective and the pain will become chronic.
suppressed nerve
Most often, it is a short man suffering from diseases in the lower back, which are formed when the spinal nerves are compressed. This happens with sudden movements and weight exercises, as well as when lifting heavy objects in daily life.
To avoid tightening the nerves, the patient should do all the physical exercises with a certain technique - in particular, keep your back straight.
With a nervous constriction of the lower back, unpleasant diseases are given to the legs.In such a situation, the patient should lie down in a warm bed.The patient should lie down in a comfortable position - one in which the lumbar muscles are completely relaxed.
Also, with such a disease, a rolled blanket is placed under the patient's knees to relax the lower back. Then the lower back is wrapped in a thick fabric - a warm wool belt is placed over it.
If the nerve is crushed due to frost or wind, the above steps should be repeated. Also in a similar situation, you can use different heating gels. If after 2 days the man does not feel better, you should seek medical help from a neurologist.
Low back pain as a symptom of a tumor

When lower back pain in men is not relieved by any medication, a malignant tumor often appears in the internal organs. When such a tumor occurs in the lumbar spine, severe pain is formed. This occurs when nerves are compressed after metastasis formation.
Oncology is considered a serious disease, regardless of location. Almost every carcinoma affects every vertebral segment with metastases.
It should be noted that some tumors cause neurological symptoms that make it difficult for the physician to identify the primary cause.This applies to tumors that form in the spinal cord.
Tumors such as spinal carcinoma develop rapidly, progress and destroy adjacent organs. Cancer cells reach the spine quickly, so you can not manage your health. Even the initial stage of osteochondrosis leads to severe consequences without good treatment.
People's lives are often filled with the pursuit of success, various victories and losses. Thus, pain in the lumbar region in men often occurs due to severe fatigue or nerve strain.
A person who is under stress often bends.Thus, the load on the lower back increases.
Therefore, such a patient needs rest, to visit a new place or to change the type of work. However, the correct diagnosis is made only by a neurologist, who looks at exactly what spinal diseases a person has.
A person often has pain in the lower back precisely because of the great stress. Persistent pain forms not only in the lumbar region of the spine, but can also radiate to the groin, lower abdomen, passing into the male genitalia and legs.
Pain in the lower back forms in a man due to such symptoms: painful urination and impotence.
When men have pain in the lower back, they experience a variety of side effects. Therefore, each physician makes a differentiated diagnosis for each patient.
Thus, the therapist rules out possible diseases of the internal organs and focuses on lumbar pathology.

When contacting a doctor, many men complain of pain in the lower back, but they do not understand what is wrong. The therapist then with the help of pain (its type) determines the cause of the formation of a lumbar disease and prescribes a specific treatment to the patient.
When undergoing a diagnosis of pain in an unhealthy spine below the waist in men, the patient undergoes the following activities:
- computed tomography;
- radiography (X-ray examination);
- Resonance magnetic resonance imaging (MRI);
- myelography.
After establishing the correct diagnosis, the therapist prescribes a specific treatment for the patient: conservative or surgical.
In the conservative treatment of low back pain in men, the doctor prescribes to the patient the use of various drugs and ointments, the passage of exercise therapy, etc. Thus, the patient performs the following actions:
- uses NSAIDs (injections, tablets, ointments);
- uses steroid drugs (injections, tablets);
- uses tools for joint restoration (injections, tablets, ointments);
- uses drugs that improve potassium phosphorus metabolism (injections, tablets);
- uses fortifying preparations, vitamin complexes;
- regulates your weight, and also changes your diet;
- performing the necessary physical therapy;
- goes for a massage;
- engaged in physical therapy.
With a conservative approach, alternative methods of treatment are often used: acupuncture, kinesiology and manual therapy.
Medical treatment
How can a man treat his back in the lumbar region? When treating back pain, a man lubricates the inflamed area with various ointments.They are very effective in treating the disease at home.
The ointment relieves back pain, muscle strain or warms the injured area.
As a result, if the lower back hurts, the man applies the following ointments to the skin:
- analgesics that give an anti-inflammatory effect (menthol, lavender);
- anesthetic ointment;
- various combined preparations used for sprains and injuries;
- various chondroprotectors that quickly restore articular cartilage.
Also, the patient takes such pills:
- anti-inflammatory;
- muscle relaxants;
- various corticosteroids;
- antidepressants (for example, a serotonin reuptake inhibitor-norepinephrine (prescribed only by a doctor);
- with chronic pain in the lower back, the patient takes tricyclic antidepressant medication;
- makes injections of B vitamins;
- the doctor injects the patient with a medicine consisting of several vitamins.
exercise therapy
What to do if a man has pain in the lower back? Therapeutic gymnastics is considered a good prevention and therapy for spinal diseases.During the course of exercise therapy, the patient strengthens the muscular corsets of the back and corrects the posture.

With diseases of the lower back, the patient performs the following exercises:
- lies on his back, alternately raises the lower limbs by 15 cm and holds the legs in weight for a certain time;
- lies on the edges of the shoulders, bends the legs at the knees at a right angle and rises to a great height. After performing such an exercise, the man moves his bent legs left and right and touches the floor with them;
- slowly and smoothly tilts the body in specific directions. During such an exercise, the man does not bend his back at chest level, making it equal;
- rises on all fours and then immediately moves the right leg and left arm, or vice versa.
Treatment with folk remedies
How else can you deal with lower back pain in a man? For example, you can use traditional medicine. When treating a disease with folk remedies, the patient performs the following actions:
- uses heat compresses with horseradish or radish, saline compresses, or applies agaric solution to the skin;
- rubs the injured area. A man uses vodka tinctures with burdock root or red pepper;
- wrap the lower back with a woolen belt or lie down on a heating pad;
- treated with herbs - drinking decoctions or dietary supplements that restore inflamed joints and lower back;
- massages the lower back with honey and various warming agents.
Any folk remedy can be used only after diagnosing and identifying the cause of back pain, as well as in consultation with the attending physician.
Lumbar surgery is rarely done and only if the disc herniation causes severe pain or when the disease progresses. This is followed by a long recovery of the patient.

If a man has a strong back pain in the lumbar region due to pathology of the internal organs, then surgeons first remove the main source of pain.
Since any disease is easier to prevent than to treat for months or years, every man must maintain his health every day.Therefore, he must follow specific methods of prevention.
In preventing back pain, men who do not move much should take short breaks to walk, bend or pull while working.
Do not spend all your free time on the computer. At least once a week, you should take a walk in the park for 1-2 hours.
When sitting, a man should maintain an upright posture so that his back does not bend over time and osteochondrosis or scoliosis does not develop.
Special exercise therapy strengthens the muscles of the spine and increases the flexibility of the spine. Thus, exercise therapy prevents nerve constriction and vasoconstriction.
Also, a man must correctly lift heavy loads, distributing the load evenly throughout the body and at the same time reducing the load on the back.
Thus, timely prevention helps men maintain their health and avoid many lumbar diseases.